The Shamanic Way of Living and Healing
Practitioner Training
Shamanism is a way of enhancing our conscious connection to nature, the cycles of birth, death and rebirth, moon cycles, the seasons, and the different stages we move through in our development from child, teenager, adult and elder. The Shamanic way of living is seeing the Universe and all within it as interconnected, exchanging energy, enhancing healing, and heightening our intuitive gifts. It is through this inter-connectiveness that we can access ancient wisdom and healing-working with the Divine Mother-Father God, Gaia, the Divine Beings who watch over not just the planet but us, Spirit Guides & Teachers and our Ancestors Healing Guides. We also draw from the strengths of the animal kingdom, learning from them ways to maintain healthy boundaries, connect to our deep inner strength within our Soul and also how to heal our inner wounds.
This Shamanic Practitioner training course is 4 weekends spread out over 9 months, allowing time for you to start this journey from a place within, where you will learn about who you are, what your innate healing strengths and abilities are, allowing time for walking the path of the Wounded Healer and growing from the lessons in order to fully ground your Divine essence within the physical form that your Soul inhabits on the planet at this time. In doing so, you will have the ability to use this way of being as the strong roots that hold you as you reach far into the other realms.
We will explore the many ancient ways of achieving an Altered State of Consciousness that the many tribes throughout the planet practiced over 50,000 years ago-Drumming, Rattling, Trance Dancing and more. We will look at the different healing techniques and explore the importance of ritual and ceremony.
This Shamanic Practitioner training course is 4 weekends spread out over 9 months, allowing time for you to start this journey from a place within, where you will learn about who you are, what your innate healing strengths and abilities are, allowing time for walking the path of the Wounded Healer and growing from the lessons in order to fully ground your Divine essence within the physical form that your Soul inhabits on the planet at this time. In doing so, you will have the ability to use this way of being as the strong roots that hold you as you reach far into the other realms.
We will explore the many ancient ways of achieving an Altered State of Consciousness that the many tribes throughout the planet practiced over 50,000 years ago-Drumming, Rattling, Trance Dancing and more. We will look at the different healing techniques and explore the importance of ritual and ceremony.
Part 1 ~ The Shamanic Circle
This workshop will be the Opening of Sacred Space for the group, allowing the energetic bonds to form and the heart centered focus of the group to be felt. During this workshop we will take time to create a Morning and Evening ritual, learn how to create sacred space, explore the Altar honouring what feels right for each individual, stalking awareness in nature, look at the different ways of journeying, connect with the Ancestors and our innate Spiritual strengths, Healing Circle, Trance Dancing.
This workshop will be the Opening of Sacred Space for the group, allowing the energetic bonds to form and the heart centered focus of the group to be felt. During this workshop we will take time to create a Morning and Evening ritual, learn how to create sacred space, explore the Altar honouring what feels right for each individual, stalking awareness in nature, look at the different ways of journeying, connect with the Ancestors and our innate Spiritual strengths, Healing Circle, Trance Dancing.
Part 2 ~ The Cycle of Life, Death and Re-birth
This part of the course takes us on a journey to explore the subject that many find uncomfortable-Death. Many of us are unaware of the many “deaths” we move through on a very regular basis-change of role within a family unit, loss of relationship, moving house, work related changes. We move through this process many times, and also experience the sadness of physical death which can be very upsetting and have a long term effect on us.
During this part of the Workshop we will explore our attitudes to Death-where we go when we die and be-friend the cycle of life, death, rebirth. We will look at the ways that we can work with death personally and professionally, preparing for the journey into the next stage of Spiritual existence, completing unfinished business and releasing any fears that tie the Spirit to the physical body.
You will also be shown ways of helping a Soul move through the veil from the physical to the etheric so that they are not wandering here in the physical plane, lost in the confusion regarding their passing.
This part of the course takes us on a journey to explore the subject that many find uncomfortable-Death. Many of us are unaware of the many “deaths” we move through on a very regular basis-change of role within a family unit, loss of relationship, moving house, work related changes. We move through this process many times, and also experience the sadness of physical death which can be very upsetting and have a long term effect on us.
During this part of the Workshop we will explore our attitudes to Death-where we go when we die and be-friend the cycle of life, death, rebirth. We will look at the ways that we can work with death personally and professionally, preparing for the journey into the next stage of Spiritual existence, completing unfinished business and releasing any fears that tie the Spirit to the physical body.
You will also be shown ways of helping a Soul move through the veil from the physical to the etheric so that they are not wandering here in the physical plane, lost in the confusion regarding their passing.
Part 3 ~ The Shamanic Way of Healing
The Shamanic view on illness is that it occurs due to power loss, soul loss or intrusions. It is important while exploring the cause of the illness not to get loss in the story as to why it happened but to acknowledge the lesson, restore power and balance and actively engage in maintaining strong healthy boundaries in order to avoid a re-occurrence of the issue.
During this workshop you will connect with your innate healing gifts and also strengthen the bond with your healing Guide. From this place of enhanced healing you will be learning how to restore power to an individual suffering from power loss and also how to work with the energy body using the shamanic methods of removal of intrusions, tunnel healing, ritual and working with plant medicine.
The Shamanic view on illness is that it occurs due to power loss, soul loss or intrusions. It is important while exploring the cause of the illness not to get loss in the story as to why it happened but to acknowledge the lesson, restore power and balance and actively engage in maintaining strong healthy boundaries in order to avoid a re-occurrence of the issue.
During this workshop you will connect with your innate healing gifts and also strengthen the bond with your healing Guide. From this place of enhanced healing you will be learning how to restore power to an individual suffering from power loss and also how to work with the energy body using the shamanic methods of removal of intrusions, tunnel healing, ritual and working with plant medicine.
Part 4 ~ Soul Retrieval
Soul Loss can occur when an individual experiences huge shock or illness in their life. There are many causes for this- accidents, loss of a loved one, separation, abuse, severe illness. At the time of the incident the Soul leaves the body and sometimes the Soul may not fully integrate with the body afterwards as it doesn’t feel it is safe to do so.
There are many signs of Soul loss
Soul Retrieval is a very important part of Shamanic healing, as it enables the individual to be more present in their life and from that allows them to take a more active role in their healing journey.
You will be taught how to work with somebody suffering from Soul Loss, how to track, retrieve and return a Soul part to the individual. We will explore the importance of maintaining a healthy relationship with your Inner power, returning power to those that you may have taken it from and calling back parts of yourself that you may have given away.
Dates for training 2024
MAY ~ 25th & 26th
JUNE ~ 29th & 30th
AUGUST ~ 24th & 25th
OCTOBER ~ 5th & 6th
Soul Loss can occur when an individual experiences huge shock or illness in their life. There are many causes for this- accidents, loss of a loved one, separation, abuse, severe illness. At the time of the incident the Soul leaves the body and sometimes the Soul may not fully integrate with the body afterwards as it doesn’t feel it is safe to do so.
There are many signs of Soul loss
- Depression
- Spaced out
- Detached from life
- Addiction
- Feelings of being numb
- Many people describe it as “I haven’t felt the same since....”
Soul Retrieval is a very important part of Shamanic healing, as it enables the individual to be more present in their life and from that allows them to take a more active role in their healing journey.
You will be taught how to work with somebody suffering from Soul Loss, how to track, retrieve and return a Soul part to the individual. We will explore the importance of maintaining a healthy relationship with your Inner power, returning power to those that you may have taken it from and calling back parts of yourself that you may have given away.
Dates for training 2024
MAY ~ 25th & 26th
JUNE ~ 29th & 30th
AUGUST ~ 24th & 25th
OCTOBER ~ 5th & 6th
If you are interested in exploring the world of Shamanic Living and Healing click on the image below for more details.