I reconnected with my Spiritual journey over 25 years ago when I decided to take a walk along the Holistic path and see where it brought me. What a Journey I’ve had.
I found the experience to be very educational on the personal level. I have learned that I am more than the experience that I am moving through. That my emotions do not define me as a person and that I have the choice to continue to experience challenging emotions, or situations or decide to make the necessary changes in myself so that I can bring about change in my life experiences.
I have always been sensitive to energy and use this gift to help those I work with get a deeper sense for what is going on for them. I also draw on what I have been blessed to have learned so far through my connection with my Spirit Guides and Teachers. I have explored many therapies and gone on to train as a Shamanic Counsellor& Practitioner, Reiki & Seichem Master &Teacher, Golden Dragon Healing, Foot Reading, and the AromaTouch Technique.
My work as a Counsellor can be seen as transpersonal. We explore the issues at hand on many levels, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually while also observing the effects it is having on the energetic body. In my work I help the individual connect to their inner strength, address the root cause of the issue at hand with confidence, by exploring what changes they would like to bring about and the possible ways that they can achieve this. At times a practical solution is called for, as in making changes within day to day living, but sometimes the individual may need assistance in releasing of old programming, restrictive thought patterns or energetic blockages within their system in which case healing or ceremony may be what is most needed.
While working with individuals on One to One basis can be a wonderful experience, I am also passionate about working with groups. I run a regular Full Moon Goddess Circle, where women come together to explore the journey of life through a woman's perspective, using their intuitive and creative skills to connect on a deeper level to the core essence of the experience of womanhood, embracing the role of the Maiden, Mother and Crone and the wonderful strengths that each role can offer us.
I also offer workshops in Shamanism, Reiki & Seichem, The Violet Flame, and Creative Expression.
What brings my Soul true Joy is facilitating a Sacred Space for people to deepen their connection firstly to themselves, their Heart, their Soul and from that centered space find the courage and strength to take steps towards the life they have dreamed of living.
"Every path is walked for a reason" The Wingless Bird that Flies